Increasing Your Speed to Market with Jeff Bridges

Chris talks to Jeff Bridges, VP of Partner Management and New Business development at Ntara, about increasing your speed to market through data management, forthcoming trends in the PXM space, how to stay agile in your company's data management system, and more.

Increasing Speed To Market Through Data Management


“Speed to market is everything,” says Jeff Bridges from Ntara during our recent chat. Expectations are higher than ever, and if you’re not keeping up, you’re losing out. 

Jeff shared a powerful case study that underscores the importance of efficient data management.

He spoke about working with a major retailer on a seasonal toy—something you probably have right now. They knew it was going to be a hit, but it took them 70 days from procurement to start making sales.

That’s 70 days of potential sales lost.

Through innovative workflows and automation, Ntara slashed that time to just 17 days. That’s an extra 50 days of selling at a thousand units per day.

Imagine the impact on their bottom line.

Key insights from Jeff:


➡️ Automation is crucial
Many large retailers still rely on manual processes, delaying time to market.


➡️ High-quality data
Providing accurate data early ensures your product hits the digital shelves faster.


➡️ Consistency wins
Fast, reliable data management sets you apart as a trusted partner for retailers.


Good data management isn’t just about organization—it’s how you directly boost sales in an increasingly digital world.

In an era where customers want products the moment they’re available, being prepared is non-negotiable.  

Optimize your PIM, DAM, and syndication systems to meet these demands and ensure you’re ready when customers look at your site.

Don’t let delays cost you sales. Make sure your digital assets are ready to drive success.

